The second approach is a detox diet is to find the causes of allergies, for example we eat only fruits for several days, then started introducing other foods the next day, next day another protein gradually and researching the body's reaction. Some events, in this way can eliminate certain foods that are not suitable to our body.
Another result of this detox diet is weight loss is quite significant because it consumes fruits alone makes the supply of our daily calories are very small. And this makes our weight down quite drastically. Weight loss as it is the decline in muscle mass (something that should be avoided) because fat loss will not be possible so soon. But this is precisely the result desired by many people, so the myths surrounding this condition causes a detox diet can lose weight is spread everywhere even though it deviated from the original purpose of a detox diet.
Weight loss because this is a detox diet and muscle mass that makes our metabolism also decreased. What is bad with this condition? Usually after a successful drop a few pounds, then in the not too long, our weight will go up.
So what should we use detox diets to lose weight? My advice should not, because the detox diet as the name itself is not intended to lose weight. There are still other ways that are more healthy to lose weight.