
Weight Loss Diet Negative and Positive points

Weight Loss Diet Negative and Positive points

Health and Natural Living. Weight loss foods are excellent to speed up metabolism. Spices, berries, spinach, capsicum, citrus fruits, apples, ragi, etc are ideal foods for speeding up metabolism. But for long can they sustain fat burning and to what degree can they burn calories?

A weight loss diet consists of low calorie food or foods with no calories. But it is important to remember that the body needs certain amounts of calories for producing energy and for cell production.

Weight loss diet – negative points:
  • Food will boost your energy for a short period of time.
  • It is a slower process for weight loss.
  • Starving or yo-yo dieting will cause cravings and make you gain weight rapidly.
Weight loss diet – Positive points:
  • With the right diet you can increase your energy levels, which will  boost your stamina for your weight loss exercise.

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