
Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

Health and Natural Living. In 1992 the first report of a Silicone Illness hit the media. However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery. At that time there was fear that breastfeeding with silicone implants would endanger the child. Even if the saline did leach into the milk, it is an inert substance, with no harmful effects on mother or baby.

There are many women who have had placement of implant and incision in sub-optimal locations, and are still very successful with breastfeeding. Some concerns are placed on implant placement, and incision site. Later, Silicone was removed from general use, and Saline implants were the only available devices on the market. Breastfeeding is still the preferred method of feeding a baby by the American Academy of Pediatrics

However, as with everything in science, this is not guaranteed. It is said to be more optimal to have the implants placed under the muscle, and to avoid the peri-aerolar incision. In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing. Your surgeon will be able to work with you, to get the best possible results, even if you are not planning on having children anytime in the near future.

Natural Breast Enhancement

There has been studies performed to show this not to be the case. In fact, some women who have breast fed with and without implants say that breastfeeding with implants is easier! A lot of women ask if they can breast feed after Breast Augmentation Surgery. Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had Breast Augmentation surgery. For the vast majority of women who have a BA breastfeeding is no more difficult with implants than without.

It is very important to discuss your plans of breastfeeding your baby at the time of your consultation. The main reason being that the silicone molecule is too large to pass into the milk ducts. The reasons are simple, using those guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly under the skin and in the tissue above the muscle of the breast. The answer is a resounding yes.

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